Local Law 115, which was signed into law by the New York City mayor in 2018, requires the posting of a specific sign on all stair doors in residential buildings. The purpose of this law is to promote fire safety and prevent the spread of fires in multi-unit buildings.

The sign mandated by Local Law 115 is designed to remind residents to close stair doors behind them when they are using the stairs. The sign is a simple message that reads "CLOSE DOOR BEHIND YOU" and must be posted on every stair door leading to a public corridor in buildings with three or more dwelling units.

This law is based on the idea that closed stair doors can help prevent the spread of fires in a building. By closing the door behind them, residents can contain the fire and smoke to a particular area, preventing it from spreading to other floors or parts of the building. This can help firefighters to more effectively control the fire and rescue anyone who may be trapped inside the building.

In addition to requiring the posting of the sign, Local Law 115 also mandates that property owners or managers keep the stair doors in good repair and ensure that they close automatically and securely. Failure to comply with the law can result in fines and other penalties.

Overall, the purpose of Local Law 115 is to increase fire safety in multi-unit residential buildings by reminding residents to close stair doors behind them. By promoting this simple action, the law aims to prevent the spread of fires and protect the lives of building occupants and firefighters.